The dog and the flea at the airport, what possibly could go wrong?

In one of my trips, I had to live one of the most stressful situations when you travel by airplane with your pet: I arrived to Mexico City and when I was waiting to pass through immigration, I began to hear in the distance several dogs barking and one of them was Cacho (my puppy).

I finished my immigration process, picked up Cacho and the suitcases.

We were ready to go to the inspection of SENASICA and before us there was a family with another dog under inspection, it was a disaster, they didn’t bring all the papers in order, when the officials check the dog they found a FLEA!, the person who attended them was explaining that they had to send the specimen (the flea) to the laboratory, they had to pay the cost of the laboratory and the dog would have to be quarantined!

Quite a drama, the children of the family were crying, the adults stressed and the dog barking.

With respect to us, we were sent with another official for the review, everything went fast and well. How did we achieve it?, as you can imagine this is not the first trip with Cacho and throughout these years I have learned to do everything in my power to make the trip and reviews a success.

Seeing that family going through that stressful situation I decided to share what has worked for me to travel with my dog, here are my recommendations.

10 tips to get your dog through SENASICA at the airport.

  1. Investigate the requirements requested by the health authorities of the country to which you travel.

  2. Research the requirements of the airline you're travelling on.

  3. Your pet must have all its current vaccinations.

  4. You must carry your pet's vaccination card with you.

  5. Keep a record of good health of your pet.

  6. Your pet must go with its collar and identification tag.

  7. The kennel must be safe; I marked it with the name of my dog and my contact number (the paper tags that they put on the kennels at the airport can break), I recommend putting newspaper or pee pads (wee wee pads) inside, in case your pet has any inconvenience.

  8. A few days before the trip take your pet to a full grooming service (bath, deep cleaning, nail trim, haircut), apart from the grooming service I always ask that they apply (frontline plus) a flea and tick treatment (take the ticket with you as proof).

  9. Ask the veterinarian if he recommends that on the day of the trip you give any tranquilizer to your pet, if so, you should bring the prescription with you.

  10. The most important thing is that you remain calm all the time, pets feel our emotions so if you are calm, I assure you that your pet will be calm.

Josue de dply

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